Policies & Procedures
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Spanish
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Arabic
- 2023-25 Procedures & Policies for Students and Families - Vietnamese
- Virtual Discipline Policy and Code of Conduct for Parents and Students
- Jefferson Parish School Board policies
- Parental Consent for Student Internet Use
- Bullying Report Form
- 2023-2024 Pupil Progression Plan
- 2024-25 DRAFT - JP Schools Pupil Progression Plan
Judge Lionel R Collins Elementary Policies & Procedures
Any student who is suspended from school and comes on campus during the suspension will be written a referral as a “TRESPASSER.”
A student is tardy after 7:25 a.m.
A student who is tardy MUST report to the office and receive a tardy slip before going to class. A Parent or guardian must sign the child in.
Excessive tardiness will result in disciplinary action including detention, UPC suspension, and referral to TASC.
Textbooks are on loan to students. They must be covered and kept clean. If textbooks, library books, etc. are lost or damaged, parents or guardians will be charged the full replacement price.
For the safety and security of our students, all visitors must report to the office and obtain a visitor’s pass before going anywhere on the school campus.